

Q: Hello, I need help with an assignement. The topic was to talk about one of our dreams and I chose opening a teahouse. I managed to do most of it but the last part is making my head hurt and I can translate it for the life of me. Could anyone lend a hand? Here it is:

I thought about what I would name my shop for a long time. I think I would name it “アヤメ”, because I really like that flower and I think a flower meaning ‘hope’ would perfectly represent my shop.
As I said, I chose a teahouse because I want to share simple pleasures with others but that is not the only reason. I love literature, more than anything. I have read many books that have impacted me but there is one book in particular that changed me. It is a well-known book written by Osamu Dazai: No longer human. I started to read it in English and it was such a great book that I bought it in Japanese. I spent months trying to read it with the help of a dictionnary and, despite how hard it was, it took my mind off of everything that was wrong with my life. This book was the reason I decided to learn Japanese and the reason I am currently talking to you. Maybe I would have never taken that path in life if I hadn’t read it. Even the smallest things can influence us so much. Ink on a page was enough to influence me, after all. That’s why I want to share this feeling with other people.




