

Q: After reviewing both Edmodo and Gnomio, from my point of view as a future teacher, I can say that they are useful tools; however, Gnomio is an E-learning tool that allows create free sites in which there is not a limit on the number courses. Gnomio gives us the facilities to add as many users as we want. It also provides a large variety of activities and resources that we can add within each course that we have created. In the activities section such as chats, forums, assignments, etc., we can establish how we want our students to perform those activities and the deadline to do them as well. In the same section, to create quizzes, we can ask questions in different ways. Gnomio gives the facility to stablish some rules on how students have to do the quizzes within a certain time. After finish the quiz, students can immediately know their grade. To conclude, Gnomio presents many advantages for us as future teachers, therefore we have to know how to use it in order to apply it correctly with our future students. この表現は自然ですか?




