

Q: Hello.  I’m Koichi Kubota. I’m 18 years old and I’m a fresh man of Kobe university.  I was born in KAWANISHI, in HYOGO prefer. I went Tada junior high school and Midoridai high school.
  In both schools, I played soft tennis, but actually my team had a little bit of people in it and were a very loser team when I was in high school. So, I couldn’t play tennis until I am satisfied, and I couldn’t give up becoming good at playing tennis. Therefore now I belong to soft tennis club of Kobe university. In this club, we practice tennis five days a week, so I’m contended with playing tennis, but therefore I have less time to do homework, and I need much time to do it. Thus I’m worry about my failing to earn credits.
Because of my experience of my high school, my dream is make soft tennis major sports and enable more people to enjoy soft tennis, so I’m interested in an activity of popularizing soft tennis in foreign countries done by “Soft tennis federation”. I also want you all to know what about soft tennis. Will you play tennis with me? Thank you for listening.

Please teach me. この表現は自然ですか?




