



Q: Q1.You indicated in your survey that you like to listen to music. What kind of music do you like the best? Do you like rock-and-roll or dance music? And tell me why you like the kind of music.
I listen to music mainstream pop music nowadays but I used to listen to Rock and Roll music. Chuck Berry up to Foo Fighters. Do you know these bands?
I told you before, I used to play guitar for a long time. when I played guitar, I listened really a lot of various Rock music.
Led zeppline, Gun's n Roses, Mr.big, Nirvana, Queen, My chemical Romance, Foo fighters and more !
However, I can say Rock is my life. But now, I don't listen to Rock music quite often because it makes me feel to play guitar again even though I said good-bye to music.
But, I'm sure my best music is Rock and Roll. この表現は自然ですか?




