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英語 (アメリカ) に関する質問

Can someone please edit this paragraph for me?

There were two major issue in the appeal to the B.C. Supreme Court. One of which is the issue on
charter violations. Other issues are on whether the trial judge was bound by the decision in
Rodriguez and weather regulating the issue on assisted suicide was beyond parliament's power,
since matters on assisted suicide lies within provincial jurisdiction. Though, The Supreme Court
acknowledged that the conditions were met in not following with the precedent decision, the
court claimed that the Rodriguez case and the Carter case involved a different legal conception.
Furthermore, the court also alleged that when a law was found to be “over inclusive”, a judge
ought to apply the principle of overbreadth. Utilizing a different approach in dealing with the
case may lead to different judgement. The judge also found that the interjurisdictional immunity
could not be applied in this case. McLachlin C.J. stated, “parliament has power to legislate with
respect to federal matters, notably criminal law, that touch on health...The federal role in the
domain of health makes it impossible to precisely define what falls in or out of the proposed
provincial “core”...” The appellant and the Attorney General of Quebec’s fail in persuading the
court that the prohibition on matters relating to assisted suicide has impair the protected core”
of the provincial health had led to the court in deciding that the provincial power over health
does not exclude the power of the federal parliament to legislate on assisted suicide.


  • 英語 (アメリカ)

  • 中国語 (繁体字、香港)

  • 英語 (アメリカ)

  • 英語 (アメリカ)

  • 中国語 (繁体字、香港)

Can someone please edit this paragraph for me?

There were two major issue in the appeal to the B.C. Supreme Court. One of which is the issue on
charter violations. Other issues are on whether the trial judge was bound by the decision in
Rodriguez and weather regulating the issue on assisted suicide was beyond parliament's power,
since matters on assisted suicide lies within provincial jurisdiction. Though, The Supreme Court
acknowledged that the conditions were met in not following with the precedent decision, the
court claimed that the Rodriguez case and the Carter case involved a different legal conception.
Furthermore, the court also alleged that when a law was found to be “over inclusive”, a judge
ought to apply the principle of overbreadth. Utilizing a different approach in dealing with the
case may lead to different judgement. The judge also found that the interjurisdictional immunity
could not be applied in this case. McLachlin C.J. stated, “parliament has power to legislate with
respect to federal matters, notably criminal law, that touch on health...The federal role in the
domain of health makes it impossible to precisely define what falls in or out of the proposed
provincial “core”...” The appellant and the Attorney General of Quebec’s fail in persuading the
court that the prohibition on matters relating to assisted suicide has impair the protected core”
of the provincial health had led to the court in deciding that the provincial power over health
does not exclude the power of the federal parliament to legislate on assisted suicide.
