
  • 英語 (アメリカ) 準ネイティブ
  • 日本語
  • 英語 (アメリカ)
日本語 に関する質問

「はい、はい、言い訳続けよう、探偵ごっこお嬢さん 。」とジークは答える。もちろん、これは2人の間に別の言い争いを引き起こすが、ドレークはすぐに話題を変えて、週末の予定について話す。
「まあ、せっかく聞いてくれたんだから、俺のYouTubeチャンネル、いとこたちと一緒にビデオを録るつもりだよ。」 ジックは情熱にして言った。
「よくわからないけど、たぶん週末は家で映画でも見てのんびり過ごすかな、特に変わったことはないよ。」アリサはそう答えたが、ドレークもジークもアリサを疑い始めていた。 Does this

For context, I'm trying to write a script for a manga
here is the English version. The scene is about 3 middle school students as they just got out from school

“Man! Aren’t we lucky that we applied for Darwin one of the few schools in the U.S. that implemented the short-day rule, not only that we get less homework than most school, it's amazing right?!” Zik reminded himself and told Drake and Alisa
“Well with your grades, you could use the extra time to cram more study inside that empty head of yours” Alisa said makes fun of Zik overall grades.
“Yeah, yeah, keep talking miss wannabe detective” Zik responds. Of course, this leads to another argument between them, Drake quickly changes the subject to talking about their weekend plans
“Um, yeah, you two got any plans for the weekends? Drake ask them
“Since you ask so politely, I’m going to record a video with my cousins for our YouTube channel, it will be our greatest one yet!” said Zik with excitement
“I don’t know, probably just going to spend the weekend relaxing with some movie at home, nothing unusual” Alisa answered, but as she said that, both Drake and Zik begins to doubt Alisa.

  • 日本語

