
  • 中国語 (簡体字) 準ネイティブ
  • 英語 (アメリカ)
  • フランス語 (カナダ)
  • ポルトガル語 (ポルトガル)
英語 (アメリカ) に関する質問

Does it sound nature to your ears? I didn’t sleep well last night. It took me long to fall asleep. Partly because I had two glasses of tea shortly before going to bed; the main reason was because of the environmental factors. Without presence of alcohol, I was very susceptible to the environmental factors. However, my two apps, Ôura and Fitbit, gave me a different perception. Both apps considered my last night's sleeping quality was pretty good. Since Ôura claimed its rings were equipped with state-of-arts sensors, I didn’t know who to trust: the sensor or my feeling? We are living in an age that we couldn’t trust ourselves.


  • 英語 (アメリカ)

  • 中国語 (簡体字) 準ネイティブ

Does it sound nature to your ears? I didn’t sleep well last night. It took me long to fall asleep. Partly because I had two glasses of tea shortly before going to bed; the main reason was because of the environmental factors. Without presence of alcohol, I was very susceptible to the environmental factors. However, my two apps, Ôura and Fitbit, gave me a different perception. Both apps considered my last night's sleeping quality was pretty good. Since Ôura claimed  its rings were equipped with state-of-arts sensors, I didn’t know who to trust: the sensor or my feeling? We are living in an age that we couldn’t trust ourselves.
